Author - Gabriel Barboza

Birds Love Wetlands

Week: 147 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Birds Love Wetlands /...

Farm to Table

Week: 143 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Farm to Table / De la...

Plant Fruit Trees

Week: 140 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Plant Fruit Trees /...

Rest Your Mind

Week: 98 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Rest Your Mind /...

You Can Do It!

Week: 114 Artist: Gabriela Barboza & Emma Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: You Can Do...

Planta Una Semilla

Week: 111 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Planta Una...

Positive Mind

Week: 108 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Positive Mind / Mente...


Week: 103 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Laugh / Ríe ___

Love Your Neighbor

Week: 100 Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Love Your Neighbor /...

Observe Birds

Week: Artist: Gabriel Barboza Location: Monteverde, Costa Rica Message: Observe Birds / Observa...